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News The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR) brl spr awards 2024

The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR)

The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR) of Marine Contractor PT Pertamina Hulu Energi @phe.pertamina OSES

1. Best Company on Akhlak Implementation 2024
2. Best Master 2024 - Capt Bagiyanto
3. Best Drill Campaign 2024 - AHTS Parakan
4. Best Company on Kartu Pinter Contribution
5. Best Company of Sika Implementation

Terimakasih untuk dukungan seluruh dari kru, karyawan dan stakeholder semua 🙏

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The Best 1st place Service Performance Review SPRThe Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR)
The Best (1st place) Service Performance Review (SPR) of Marine Contractor PT Pertamina Hulu Energi @phe.pertamina OSES
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